Sunday, November 11, 2007


Today is Sunday. I have finally decided what I'm going to get my friends and family for Christmas, but I won't say because they might see it (KATIE!) lol. I think it's an awesome idea. I have about $85 saved up, so hopefully that will be enough to get everything I need to. I'm not quite sure what I want for Christmas, but I NEED a new backpack. I really like those Jansport backpacks but my mom laughs every time I ask her to get me one. They're pretty expensive, for a backpack.
I made a list and I think it looks something like this:
- Cell phone [my mom laughed and said, 'yeah right' but I still want one!]
- Those packet things for my FLY pen
- Gameboy ADVANCE games
- computer games
- Books (Mary Higgins Clark, Stephenie Myer [She won't have a book out by Christmas, but I can still wish, right?], Jack Weyland, Anita Stansfield, or Lisi Harrison.
- Camera (one of those cheap mini digital ones that you can buy at like Wal-Mart)
-Hairspray [movie, the newer version on DVD], High School Musical 2
-Ipod [once again, she laughed, but a girl can dream!]

Well, that's about it. . . .


SmileKatieLovesYou said...

Wierd.... what I am getting you is on that list lol!

*~Kennedy~* said...

hmmmm. . . is that a good thing?