I had promotion a couple weeks ago which means I'm no longer in middle school! The promotion itself was short and simple but it was fun. I said goodbye to everyone. I was sad to leave CGMS because I had so many good times and memories there. It's sad that our whole "group" won't be together anymore because we're going to different schools! :( But I'm way excited for high school! Here's some pictures of promotion.
I got back from Girls' Camp about a week ago. That was a lot of fun. The first day it rained really hard and it was FRRRREEEZING! But we still did everything and had fun despite the cold. I think last year was more spiritual for me, but this year I learned lots! I got to participate in the program this year. I sang a song called "He Is the Way". The program was about the Ten Virgins but based more on modern day things. I had a lot of fun at skit night. The skits are always so funny! I loved it. I had a good time at camp this year!
I went to Utah for about 2 and a half weeks. That was a lot of fun. Katie came with us and we went to Lagoon. It was so good seeing everyone! Except everyone was pregnant! :) I'm really glad we got to go! I would post pictures, but I didn't really take any . . . . :(
Well that's about all that has been going on that I can think of!