Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Favorite Things...

I decided to make a little collage post about all the little things that I love. . . so here it is!

http://www.elderly.com/images/new_instruments/MIK/PG48_microphone.jpghttp://www.waynepubliclibrary.org/images/music%20notes.JPGhttp://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/dailypix/specials/icon_idol.gifhttp://www.qctimes.com/content/articles/2007/03/23/features/health/doc460358ff24aef913101441_thumb.jpghttp://www.geocities.com/reneebooks/covers/twilight.jpghttp://www.mimifroufrou.com/scentedsalamander/images/Shopping%20Logo%20TSS.jpgThe image “http://www.northparkcenter.com/resources/d/storefronts/limited_too.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.http://www.abcf.org/msadmin/user_images/BBW%20StackedLogo.JPGhttp://www.hobbeshouse.org/cats/bunny%20oct%202%20face.jpghttp://timesonline.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/dachshund.jpghttp://www.casagrandechamber.org/images/AzOfficeofTourism.jpg
The image “http://icons.iconator.com/947/ICONATOR_d86752914b10640769aab1cc550eb53a.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.http://www.gardsmusic.com/images/uploads/Prelude_TB701_Trombone.jpghttp://www.atlantis.com/content/img/dining/JambaJuice432x324.jpg


There's lots more stuff, but I don't have time to post them! Do you like the things I love? :)


PS: Yes, Katie, the Dachshund is in your honor! :)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

American Idol

First of all I'd like to say that on top of being an amazing singer, David Archuleta is so CUTE!! He has so much talent and he is one of the best best on American Idol. His latest performance "Think of Me" from The Phantom of the Opera was just so great! You'd be tone deaf if you didn't think that he had some talent! And on top of all the great things about him, he's LDS too! What could be better?!

Also another of my favorite American Idol contestants is Brooke White. She is also really talented. But I really think that she needs to really find a good song that is best for her voice. I mean she's sung great songs and all, it's just that she needs to really top everything with a song that puts her voice over the edge (the good edge). Don't you agree? I think she'd be a great celebrity to look up to; she'd be a positive influence upon others, being LDS as well. . .

Although he's not one of my favorites, David Cook is also a great contestant on American Idol. There's not many rock singers from American Idol (besides Chris Daughtry) and he is someone could pursue a career in singing. He's very talented. He knows how to pick songs that are good for his voice and this week's song that he picked from The Phantom of the Opera, "Music of the Night", was genius! :)

P.S. I had a decent week. Yesterday I spent the day with Katie and by the end of the day I was really sick. I just felt sick to my stomach and ended up throwing up before I went to bed. I did not go to church today because I still feel sick. But I was able to eat lunch and dinner without throwing it up, so that's good. Whether I go to school tomorrow or not depends on how I'm feeling. . . . .

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Hello Hello. I know, I know, It's been a while since I've posted. I'm sorry. Weeellll, here's a little update on my life:

-Singing Lessons are going great. I've been taking them for about a year and I totally ♥ them soooo much! My BFF Katie joined with me, so that's fun. Our recital is coming up quick and I have a solo. It's called Love Song and it should be playing right now. :) (By the way, do you like my playlist? Check out some of my other songs.)
-Schools going pretty good. Still boring. Nothing new. We had AIMS, which is a big test that tests our knowledge of things we've learned all year. That was eventful (boring is more like it!). I currently do not like any boys at school (I know, a first! :) ). I guess I've liked all the like-able guys already! I can't believe school is almost out! Only 4 more weeks and it will be summer! I can't wait. I love summer!!! Remember how I told you all that I started playing Trombone for the school band? Well that's progressing, although progress is VERY slow! It's been about a month and so far I can play about 3 songs: Mary Had a Little Lamb, Hot Cross Buns, and Let's Go Band. It's getting frustrating because I basically have to teach myself; my friends are always busy, the TEACHER is always busy and has no time to teach me. So that's a big reason of why I'm frustrated. Last night was the Spring Band Concert but I decided not to play in it because I can't play any of the songs and it wouldn't be fair to just pretend and move my slide.

Well that's about all I can think that's going on in my life. Love you all!!


Tuesday, April 8, 2008


These are my two new dresses. Sorry a) that I'm not wearing them and b) that they're kind of crooked. By the way, I took these pictures with my new camera. Grandma got me a new digital camera for my early (by early I mean 4 months) birthday present. I love it! It takes really good pictures!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

This week has been pretty good. My grandma came to visit from Utah and it was so good to see her. She bought me two new dresses and I heart them!! she must like cleaning a lot, because she spent the whole time organizing and cleaning our house. Not that I'm complaining! My mom went in for surgery yesterday; that was the main reason for my grandma coming. Tonight was Katie's Honor band concert and they did really good. My grandma is leaving tomorrow, and that will be sad. That's about all going on in my life right now.
