Tuesday, February 5, 2008

In Loving Memory of Gordon B. Hinckley . . . .

This man was a great man, and think we should all try to be like him and follow his amazing example. When I heard about his passing, I was sad and I still am. I know that I shouldn't be though. He gets to be with his loving wife and family that have passed before him and I should be happy for him. It's going to be really different not having him as the prophet. He's the only prophet that I've ever been alive for. But I know that President Monson is going to be a great prophet for us! Here's a tribute that I found on YouTube.

1 comment:

Steph said...

We are going to miss him! He was a wonderful man...but you are right..Pres. Monson will be great and Pres Hinkley is now with his wife! I love you Kennedy! Love Steph