Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fighting Flames

Hey my day was pretty boring. My parents still aren't home but they'll be home in about 2 hours. So that's good. Last night was o.k. I wasn't the most fun I've ever had, but it was fun. I started on making another hat, and I'm giving it to my neighbor's daughter named Torie. She's so cute! I'm working on my story right now. It's called Fighting Flames. I think it's the best book I've ever written and it's the longest book I've ever written. So far, it is 43 pages long, and it's only 1/2 way done! I'm hoping I can get 100 pages written, but that's a little far fetched, right? Here's the first page:

Chapter One

I ran through the front room, passing everything that had once mattered in my life. But they don’t matter now. My heart raced. I tried to escape the deadly beast that was devouring the house with each burning touch. Through the kitchen I ran. I stumbled to my knees. I blindly looked at what I had tripped over. A body! It was hard to move, hard to breathe. I turned the body over, my hands trembling. My heart stopped. The face of my father was staring up at me. “NO!” I screamed. I was too late. I called his name over and over, knowing that it wouldn’t do anything. Nothing I did could bring him back to life. His face was soot black, with burns that no one would ever see. The beast drew in around me, licking me with its fiery tongue, mocking my fear. “You lost!” it cackled.

“Dad, wake up! You have to make it. Dad please . . . please.” I cried helplessly. It was no use. It was the end. The beast was rearing up, adding the fear and pain with each second. It pounced. I hugged my dad for the last time then . . .


Matt raised his head from the desk. He gave a sigh of relief.
“It was only a dream,” he whispered. The other students were staring at him. Some looked worried, some amused. The bell rang for the end of class. His head was wet with sweat and his clothes clung to his skin.
“Matt,” the teacher said, “this is the second time this week that you’ve fallen asleep in class. One more time and I’ll call your father telling him you need more sleep!”
“Whatever,” he said calmly. The truth was, he got plenty of sleep at night. He tried to make it in bed by 9:30 and he woke up every day at 6:50. He didn’t exactly know what his deal was.

Like it? I'm doing a photo-shoot for my cover. Is 4 people too much for a front cover? I still have yet to ask 2 people to do it and they're the boys. :) Well, if you like it, post a comment!!

SOS - Jonas Brothers

Kevin looks way better with his hair straightened! Nick probably would too, but he insists on keeping it curly....

Friday, October 19, 2007


My day was really boring. My parents went up to Sedona and won't be back until Thursday. I'm spending the night at my neighbors house. I'm missing the stake dance right now. I couldn't find my dance card so I'm going to my Beehive leader's house. She invited us to play games and stuff instead of the dance. I really wanted to go to the dance. This is only my 2nd dance and I'm MISSING it! :(

Well, I'm the new Beehive president. I'm pretty excited but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do. I still have yet to choose my 1st and 2nd counselors and secretary. My dad's the young men's president so I get to go with him to BYC meetings and stuff.

Well I have to go, my ride's here.



Morning: I hung out with Jacob and Caitlin (Mrs. Lewis's daughter) asked him out again (for 2nd time). I did the announcements over the intercom
Language Arts: Today we went through everyone's pages and put check marks on charts that have the criteria on it. When we come back from break, we are going to vote. We get to vote for 6 animals that we want in our zoo. I think I'm gonna vote for the skunk, coyote, javelina, ferret, porcupine, and the gray wolf. :). Yep, yep. Ben wasn't here today, he's sick.
Pre-Algebra: We did more stuff on coordinates and it was super boring and super easy. We had to plot coordinates on a grid to make a pumpkin. You are so lucky you weren't there!
Lunch: We had cheeseburger twins today and they didn't have any salad!! So I didn't have anything to eat except ice cream. I listened to my new CD player (courtesy of you :) ) with Marisa. the bell rang and I walked with Jacob until I was almost to Ms. Lambert's room. But he was like, "Isn't it early release?" and I was like, "yeah" and he was like "Then where are you going?". I was so embarassed!! I was going the wrong direction!! I was supposed to go to PE but I was following him to go to the band room! I was so embarrassed!!
ELECTIVES: I have no idea what went on in Band for you, sorry.
Science: We watched a Bill Nye video and Jacob was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room next to me and Marisa (we were sitting on the ground). Caitlin (the one :)) wiggles her way in between me and Jacob (we were a fair distance apart but we were still sitting next to eachother) !!! I was like "hello??!" but I didn't say that, I just gave her dirty looks when she wasn't looking! :) they work like a charm. And she was totally flirting with him the whole time!! I was about ready to wring her neck!! (not really, but GRRRRRR... she's got a boyfriend!!!)
After school: I was walking with Jacob and I said, "Man, two Caitlins like you!" and he's like (coincidentally Caitlin Lewis walks by) "Well, I know that Caitlin does, but who's the other one?" (GUYS CANNOT TAKE HINTS!!!!!!). So I told him and he's like, "REALLY? But she has a boyfriend!" So I just left it at that. I said goodbye to him and for him to have nice fall break. Nothin exciting. OHH and right before I said that Diego gives him the note from Caitlin Lewis. It said something along the lines of:

My friend likes you too. Who would you rather go out with, me or her?

Well, BYE!!!

He was like, I should just put, "NEITHER" but I don't want her to feel bad. Maybe I just won't write back!!


Well, Katie, since your not at school anymore I thought you'd want to be filled in when you came back (even if it is for only two days).


Language Arts: We finished our reports and went over our criteria, we are voting tomorrow. Everyone just wants the porcupine cuz its so cute. :(
Pre-Al: We practiced "coordinate grids" it was really easy. She had us plot points on a grid in front of the class and then do book work. Of course. But it only took like 10 minutes for me (so that would be like, 5 minutes for you!!).
Lunch: We had Spicy Chicken sandwiches (the bar wasn't open, ugh!) and Ben only collected 3 of them this time (well, he bought 2 and someone gave him 1). I sat by Marisa, Steven, and Lexie (you know, I don't think Lexie likes me very much.). After I ate I went outside and hung out with the "gang". I was just messing around (and since you were gone, I was kinda lonely) and I said, "I need a new [temporary] best friend since Katie's not here," (I was just messing around). So Ben says, "I'll be your best friend." He gave me a hug and Jacob kinda glares at him! I felt so bad!!! I was going to give Jacob one too but he started to talk to Carissa (who was standing next to us!)
Electives: You would've had PE, I have no idea what you would've done though.
Science: PEP ASSEMBLY!!!! As our class was walking in, Ms. Bina randomly picked people to help Mr. QSP to do the Deal or no Deal thing for the top winners, and she picked me and Marisa to help hold the cases!!! It was so cool!! There was like 18 other kids up there with us! It was awesome! Josh had the $100 in his case first (then we switched them around), then Marisa had the $100 in her case (then we switched them up again), and lastly I had it in my case. Julianna Tapia was the top seller so she played last and she picked my case to be "her case" and it had the $100 in it. But at the end, she took a deal for like $20! I felt so bad!! The 8th graders won all three spirit sticks. (MAN, you've missed 2/4 pep assemblies!) Oh and the mascot that student council picked and bought got here today so someone [I think it was Mrs. Wagoner] wore it and was the mascot! It was fun. You miss all the good ones!
After school: I had to stay after school until 5:00 for Student Council to escort parents for Parent Teacher Conference. It was really boring. The only other people that I knew [that helped me] were Carissa, Steven, Hunter, Josh, and the 7th grade teachers!!!! It was super boring!! I hope I don't have to do that tomorrow! Ooooh. But I found out that Hunter never really liked (as in loved) Carissa and he admitted in front of her, and he also said in front of her that he likes Marisa! He was such a jerk to Carissa yesterday! I think she should dump him!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Today we had to take a writing benchmark. It was pretty easy, but I didn't like the prompt. We had to write about an "influential" television show. I just made one up, since I don't know very many "influential" TV shows. In language arts we started this new project its called Wiki Wetpaint. It's awesome. It's just for people in our class though. What we're doing is we're researching an animal and then we're going to pick which one of the animals we want to put in our "zoo". It's pretty awesome. We can send messages to people in our class, so we were all sending messages to people! It was fun! Other than that school was purty boring!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Last night Katie, Lexie, and me went to the Phooson concert and saw artists like Enrique Iglesias , The Jonas Brothers, Fabolous, Kat Deluna, Paula Deanda. We had to stand for over 7 hours, and we had to wait like the whole time just to see the Jonas Brothers, but when they came on it was totally worth it!! NICK IS HOTTTTTT!!! So is Joe, but I like Nick better. :D We got back at like 12 midnight, but it was cool. Ya there was this drunk guy and he fell on a bunch of people and spit beer at Katie. It was kinda freaky. That's the first time I've ever seen a drunk guy before!! But eventually the Event Managers took him away. :D It was awesome. When I got home I was so tired. I laid down on my bed just anticipating to be there for a few minutes before I got ready for bed. But I fell asleep in my clothes, with my makeup on, and with my light on! But can you blame me?? LOL!!

These are my best pictures :(

They turned out like this because I had the camera on the wrong setting :( Plus the screen is broken so I didn't know what they looked like after I took them, so I didn't KNOW it was on the wrong setting. ;(

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Apparently I look like the celebrity Katie Winslow


My Stereotype (I have NO idea how i got this!!)

What Stereotype Do You Fall Under?
created with
You scored as Skater

















Country Boy/Girl (Hick)








My Type of Candy

*What Type of Candy Are You?* (w/pics.)
created with
You scored as M&M's

You are M&M's. You are a happy and outgoing person. You have lots of friends and love life. You have a very colorful personality. You are sweet, but sometimes hard to please.





KitKat/Crunch Bar


Jolly Ranchers


3 Musketeers


Hershey Bar


Reese's Peanut Butter Cup


Skittles/Gummi Bears


Tuesday, October 9, 2007


HI KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HI MARISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WASSUP??

IDK my BFF Jill!

Today was good. I don't feel so good though. I had to babysit today but only for about 3 hours. My mom had to go to scouts with my other brother so I watched my bro and sister and my neighbors little boy. He went right to sleep and my bro and sister played with themselves! i got some good reading time. School is boring!!! I like language arts though and I like Social Studies, but Pre-Algebra sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring!!! Don't you agree Katie and Marisa?? I just saw one of those commercials where the mom is talking to the girl and one of them the mom says "who have you been texting?" and she says "IDK my BFF Jill" well in this one it goes like this:

MOM: (lets just say the girls name is Kayla~ forgot her real name) Kayla, 600 texts?
KAYLA: NW RUS? (Now way are you serious?)
MOM: That wasn't a compliment (there's a brother in this one lets say his name is Ben) And Ben 1000??
BEN: U-G-H (Ugh!)
MOM: (there's also a GRANDMA in this one who is texting) And who could YOU possibly be texting?

I also like those Alltell commercials. Those are hilarious!

Monday, October 8, 2007

School was pretty good. We did boring stuff as usual. In Language Arts were watching the Phantom of the Opera. I love that movie! My LA teacher is awesome! She lets us do whatever we want, practically! I have finally decided what I'm going to be for Halloween!! I'm going to be a vampire! :} Vampires rock! lol . I've never been anything scary for Halloween! Last year I was a cheerleader and the same the year before that. Ya I'm pretty boring! I have a new favorite book series!!! It's called the Twilight Series!! THEY ARE SOOOOOOO GOOD!! The first one is Twilight, the second one is New moon, and the third one is Eclipse. They are sooo good! They are by Stephanie Myer. She's an amazing author! I'm pretty sure she's LDS but I'm not positive. I might be wrong! The books are about a girl named Bella who falls in love with a vampire. I know it sounds cheesy and dumb, but you can't love it [or hate it] till you try it! I watched conference yesterday and I loved it!! I watched all four sessions and I think they are awesome!! I was happy when Henry B. Eyring got appointed (is that the right word???) to be in the presidency!! That's cool!! Well I've got to go!! See ya!!



Hey wassup? I'm kennedy and I'm new to this Blogger thing. Just let me introduce myself:

Name: Kennedy Leigh
Fav. color: Purple and Green
BFFs: Katie, Jamie, Dani, Marisa
Fav. food: Chicken Enchiladas
Fav. site: webkinz!!
Fav. Animal: kitties
Fav. Store: Limited Too and Down East
Fav. Series: Twilight Series, Harry Potter Series, The clique series
Hobbies: Singing, Reading, Writing, Skateboarding, volleyball, basketball
Religion: LDS -- Mormon

